Please take action, and forward to your networks!
Take action with MN-Mesa Latina TODAY to pass the Driver's License for All bill through the Senate and help make Minnesota’s roads safer and more inclusive for all! Ensuring
that every Minnesotan, regardless of immigration status, has equal
opportunity to apply for a driver’s license means that every Minnesotan
has equal access to road skill testing, vision testing, and auto
insurance, increasing public safety for all. Law enforcement officials
statewide strongly support the bill, citing safer roads and streamlined
processing as benefits for their work and for all Minnesotans. Join
MN-Mesa Latina TODAY in calling upon the Minnesota State Senate to
restore driver’s license access to all Minnesotans with the Driver’s
License for All bill!
part of a broad coalition made of organizational and individual allies
like yourself, MN-Mesa Latina achieved monumental victory in passing the
MN Dream Act. Now, the Driver’s License for All bill needs your help. The Driver's License for All bill is being heard on the Senate floor TOMORROW, Thursday, May 9, and we need YOUR voice to make sure the bill passes!
Take action TODAY in three easy steps!
Call or email them, and ask them to support the Driver's License for
All bill using the below language (if you are leaving a voice mail,
remember to include your full address):
Honorable Senator ______________:
Hello, my name is _____________ and I am
one of your constituents. I am contacting you today to ask you to
support Senate File 271, the Driver’s License for All bill. The Driver’s
License for All bill would restore driver’s license access to all
Minnesotans, regardless of immigration status, and create safer and more
inclusive roads. Law enforcement officials statewide hail the bill as a
big win for all Minnesotans in public safety, and I agree with them.
Equal access to driver’s licenses means equal access to road
skill testing, vision testing, and auto insurance, making driving safer
for all Minnesotans. Please join Minnesota with forward-looking states
Illinois, New Mexico, Utah, Washington, and most recently Colorado, and
support the passage of Senate File 271, the Driver’s License for All
Thank you for supporting the ability of all Minnesotans to work, attend school, and live their lives.
3) Fill out this very short 3-question form to let us know you did it!
THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING DRIVER’S LICENSES FOR ALL!______________________________ _____________________________
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